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Blitz - Our Lasting Impression of Dragonburg

Blitz is a gorgeous boy with a lovely, cheeky sense of humour,  we got Blitz when he was 4 months old and his bond with us was instant! He was a bit of a wimp with Star and Zeus then but soon got used to them and now they are all best friends!

he is quite aloof with strangers & takes time to get to know you but once he does he is your friend for life, he loves his cuddles and once settled around you will quite happily sit on your lap for a cuddle! We call Blitz our "nanny dog" he loves nothing more than pinning one of the others down so that he can give them a good wash, especially the two youngest girls. Blitz has passed his gold good citizen dog scheme award with flying colours, he now has a new venture joining Kya in agility. He absolutely loves everything there is about agility and does his absolute best to please. Blitz has also qualified for crufts and will be there in 2018